The Virtual Rambler
Number thirty five: 21st April 2013
Your Good Health
Sanguine theorists have hailed the internet as the ultimate democracy. There
, Nicholas Carr
in his book The Shallows (1) , “we face many information
faucets , all going full blast. Our thimble overflows as we rush from one
faucet to the next … the web
gives us information in a jumble of drops from those different faucets ,
turning us into lab rats constantly pressing levers to get tiny pellets of
social or intellectual nourish
ment.” We can treat ourselves to participation in a chat show , invite a
professor of history into our home , consult a lawyer or financial adviser.
We can play an infinite juke
box , read an endless sports page , visit a sleazy night club …. or a doctor
par excellence. The medical lexicon thus democratised awaits our particular
query more appropriately
than any G.P.’s quizzical expression. The internal circuitry of our computer
provides an inaudible concordance with the rumblings and gurglings
reminiscent of digestive disorders
or visceral malfunction. What the devil do you suppose is going on down in
my innards ? I'll get Google to tell me the worst , for God’s sake.
Like the captain of a ship in an Atlantic convoy of 1942 , binoculars
sweeping the restless ocean for possible U-boats , the modern health fanatic
is on constant red alert for
potentially disruptive threats to his equilibrium. Every twinge down below
is another blip on the radar. Evasive action ! Depth charges ! Step forward
the self-scrutineer with his
thermometer and a range of devices to register pulse rate , blood sugar
levels and the pH content of his urine. His every meal is preceded by an
interrogation of its gluten , salt ,
nut and sugar contents. Better to prepare each meal himself , after shopping
at the Natural Food emporium in which every purchase comes with a detailed
synopsis of its origin and
contents. Even for the apparently healthy , things aren't quite tickety-boo.
They may not notice any symptoms just now but that in itself could be a sign
of the underlying risks ,
referred to by medicine men as “silent killers” of those who remain
blissfully unaware until its too late. Private screening companies have
colonised the internet to drum up custom :
“ What would your doctor say … if he or she could actually see inside your
arteries ? ” The interior of your body has been commodified , along with
your transport and housing systems ,
your sewers and schools , your water and power supplies. All those things
(reads the official script) that were crumbling under incompetent public
sector bureaucracies and could only
be revitalised by private investment. Is that so ?
The pharmacological industry’s profits are booming as never before and
they too have found the internet an invaluable tool for keeping
things that way. The uncertainties of
psychiatric theory are particularly open to conceptual re-definitions ,
tailored to what industry insiders call condition branding. “ It is
essentially like setting a snowball
rolling down a hill ,” explains a Practical Guide to Medical
Education , intended for those in the marketing arm of drug
companies. “It starts with a small core of support :
maybe a few abstracts presented at conferences , articles in key journals ,
advocacy groups focussing opinion among ‘leading experts’ … and by the time
it reaches the bottom of the
hill the noise should be coming from all sides and sources.” Today's
psychological malfunctions are launched in the same way as new brands of
music , creating symptoms that align
with drug company strategy and the duration of patents/copyrights. Social
anxiety disorder , metabolic syndrome , dyslexia , attention-deficit ,
hyperactivity disorder , pre-
menstrual dysphoria , restless legs syndrome , bipolar disorder , and of
course , internet phobia ; each has its own alleviating molecule prescribed.
Like mine-detectors (and
Conspiracy Theorists) , diagnosticians of the human psyche edge their way
into every inch of terra incognita to unearth the dark , hidden secrets
underlying every aspect of modern
life (however apparently innocent) and declare the individual doomed to be
implicated in them. So just keep munching your muesli , remain aware of
every new Well Man or Well Woman
bulletin , get your herbal remedies down you , monitor your daily alcohol
unit intake and keep working out at the leisure centre. Your days are
numbered anyway and the biological
clock is ticking away whatever you come to do. As they say before many T.V.
screenings of feature films , “Expect violence and strong language.”
(1) Not to be confused with a 2016 American survival
horror film featuring a great white shark.
Virtual rambler #1 – Posturing,
9th March 2010
Virtual rambler #2 –
Managerialism, 17th March 2010
Virtual rambler #3 – Nostalgia,
27th March 2010
Virtual rambler #4 – The Alpha
Male, 13th April 2010
Virtual rambler #5 – General
Elections, 3rd May 2010
Virtual rambler #6 – The Leisure
Industry, 15th May 2010
Virtual rambler #7 – Guide to
The World Cup, 15th June 2010
Virtual rambler #8 – Human
Nature, 12th July 2010
Virtual rambler #9 –
Communities, 13th August 2010
Virtual rambler #10 – Worlds
Apart, 6th October 2010
Virtual rambler #11 – Dawdling,
22nd November 2010
Virtual rambler #12 – ELVIS,
24th December 2010
Virtual rambler #13 –
Transience, 4th February 2011
Virtual rambler #14 – Regional
Accents, 15th April 2011
Virtual rambler #15 – The
Afterlife, 21st July 2011
Virtual rambler #16 – Bizspeak,
27th August 2011
Virtual rambler #17 – Night
Walks, 3rd October 2011
Virtual rambler #18 – Bob Dylan
and Charles Dickens, 8th November 2011
Virtual rambler #19 – Another
Nutty Professor, 16th December 2011
Virtual rambler #20 – Customer
Choice, 16th January 2012
Virtual rambler #21 – Wearing
Shorts, 18th February 2012
Virtual rambler #22 – A Brief
History of Progress, 17th March 2012
Virtual rambler #23 – The Myth
of Sisyphus, 16th April 2012
Virtual rambler #24 – Natural
History, 20th May 2012
Virtual rambler #25 – European
Self Importance, 26th June 2012
Virtual rambler #26 – Sweet
Dreams, 25th July 2012
Virtual rambler #27 – Excess,
17th August 2012
Virtual rambler #28 – In Denial,
20th September 2012
Virtual rambler #29 – The Way,
21st October 2012
Virtual rambler #30 – On
Rambling, 14th November 2012
Virtual rambler #31 – Gazing
Into The Abyss, 18th December 2012
Virtual rambler #32 –
Intellectual Gloom, 25th January 2013
Virtual rambler #33 – Great
Human Achievements, 20th February 2013
Virtual rambler #34 –
Autobiography, 20th March 2013
Virtual rambler #35 – Your Good
Health, 21st April 2013
Virtual rambler #36 –
Deconstruction, 20th May 2013
Virtual rambler #37 – My Home
Town, 19th June 2013
Virtual rambler #38 – Ancient
History, 21st July 2013
Virtual rambler #39 –
Possessions, 20th August 2013
Virtual rambler #40 – Sporting
Stoics, 20th September 2013
Virtual rambler #41 – Free Time,
20th October 2013
Virtual rambler #42 – Ewan Don't
Allow, 20th November 2013
Virtual rambler #43 – A Literary
Nexus, 20th December 2013
Virtual rambler #44 – Taking
Liberties, 16th January 2014
Virtual rambler #45 – More or
Less, 20th February 2014
Virtual rambler #46 – Under
Control, 20th March 2014
Virtual rambler #47 – Waiting,
20th April 2014
Virtual rambler #48 – They Rose
Without Trace, 20th May 2014
Virtual rambler #49 – Bigger
Impression , Smaller Footprint, 20th June 2014
Virtual rambler #50 –
Terpsichorean Instrumentations, 18th July 2014
Virtual rambler #51 – Socially
Mediated, 19th August 2014
Virtual rambler #52 – Rambling Into The Sunset, 20th September 2014