The Virtual Rambler
Number seventeen: 3rd October 2011
Night Walks
Sleep , that grudged interruption for the carpe diem brigade , proves
a sovereign friend to a troubled mind. Its snug animal warmth , detached
obligations and stress , its dreaming adventures in surreal landscapes.
I've long been envious of chimps and gorillas , who sleep for ten and
twelve hours
a night respectively , of reptiles whose bouts of activity are infrequent
interruptions to an otherwise somnolent mode of life , not to mention those
hibernators with the good sense to see out their winters in the deepest of
sleeps. Lately , however , osteo-arthiritis has foisted itself upon your
author ,
reducing him to the slow gait of the Living Dead , although fuelled
internally by medication more appropriate to the Grateful Dead. For those in
too much
discomfort for prolonged sleep , night-times start looming like sundown for
a tourist in Transylvania. After an hour or two of tossing and turning , I
sometimes get up and dressed for a stroll , to the delight of my border
collie , Harry , and the pair of us take the nocturnal air. While the city
sleeps ,
the solitary stroller is a prince of all he surveys.
The initial path we follow bisects a plot of allotments on one side and
fenced yards on the other , whose inhabitants; horses , geese and
chickens -
are all fast asleep in their coops and stables. Not so the wild creatures of
the night ; from the far side of the allotments comes that curious ,
high-pitched lament of foxes and among the trees ahead sounds an owl's
melancholy refrain. Now the path turns past a vandalised clubhouse
an overgrown cricket pitch. The clouds racing across a half-moon , urged
across the sky by strong Autumn winds , seem as restless as an invalid in
a tangled bed. It puts me in mind of the Larkin poem in which the
narrator's glance up at the moon "Is a reminder of the strength and pain
/ Of being young;
that it can't come again / But is for others undiminished somewhere." We
turn into parkland where the rippling beck by our side reflects snatches of
moonlight as it passes along a sequence of weirs. These are remnants of the
water-powered industry that once inhabited this valley. There were tanneries
paper-making and corn mills. Thence into the steep-sloped woods that have
grown over a complex of nineteenth century quarries. Their gritstone was
to build the proximate cottages and the factories whose occasional
foundations now line the riverbanks. There is some scuttling in the
undergrowth , which
prompts Harry to race off in hunting mode.
He re-joins me later as I limp out of the park , heading towards the site of
a mediaeval corn-mill. It was rebuilt by Samuel Smith (father of the
brewer) in 1857 and then became known as the Old Tannery. Having opened for
work when Dickens had just completed Little Dorrit , it was for many years
main employer of local labour. The allotments and yards , the cricket pitch
and much of the older housing on its perimeters were the bequest of its
owners to those who worked for them. It became a fellmongers in the
twentieth century and went out of business in 1994. The place was eventually
into a complex of 'Executive Flats'. Here's an echo of the transition
from an industrial to a financial economy. Formerly it housed the business
of separating
sheepskin and wool from hides still dripping with blood in an atmosphere
clouded with chemicals and steam. Now a single light shines from a
third-floor window.
Some go-getting young heir of Mr. Merdle(1) perhaps , monitoring
tomorrow's financial markets as he conjures with his portfolio of futures
, options and
derivatives ? Economic cycles are inherently transitory. The earlier output
of tangible commodities such as corn for bread , leather for clothing and
footwear ,
stone and wood for building materials and paper , has given way to a
nebulous world of service providers and service users , although we continue
to require food ,
warmth and shelter and , in the morning , our daily ration of tabloid tosh.
The last lap takes us past the fish-stocked lodge whose waters once supplied
mill's steam-engine. A satellite traverses the heavenly orbs as we head
back home , Harry with a nose to the ground and his owner musing upon all
that has been
and gone hereabouts. Is there a more fleeting figure than a night-walker
pondering local transience ?
(1) The dodgy financier in Little Dorrit ,
whose mysterious wheelings
and dealings in the stock market end in the sort of economic 'crash' and
subsequent distress we are all too familiar with.
Virtual rambler #1 – Posturing,
9th March 2010
Virtual rambler #2 –
Managerialism, 17th March 2010
Virtual rambler #3 – Nostalgia,
27th March 2010
Virtual rambler #4 – The Alpha
Male, 13th April 2010
Virtual rambler #5 – General
Elections, 3rd May 2010
Virtual rambler #6 – The Leisure
Industry, 15th May 2010
Virtual rambler #7 – Guide to
The World Cup, 15th June 2010
Virtual rambler #8 – Human
Nature, 12th July 2010
Virtual rambler #9 –
Communities, 13th August 2010
Virtual rambler #10 – Worlds
Apart, 6th October 2010
Virtual rambler #11 – Dawdling,
22nd November 2010
Virtual rambler #12 – ELVIS,
24th December 2010
Virtual rambler #13 –
Transience, 4th February 2011
Virtual rambler #14 – Regional
Accents, 15th April 2011
Virtual rambler #15 – The
Afterlife, 21st July 2011
Virtual rambler #16 – Bizspeak,
27th August 2011
Virtual rambler #17 – Night
Walks, 3rd October 2011
Virtual rambler #18 – Bob Dylan
and Charles Dickens, 8th November 2011
Virtual rambler #19 – Another
Nutty Professor, 16th December 2011
Virtual rambler #20 – Customer
Choice, 16th January 2012
Virtual rambler #21 – Wearing
Shorts, 18th February 2012
Virtual rambler #22 – A Brief
History of Progress, 17th March 2012
Virtual rambler #23 – The Myth
of Sisyphus, 16th April 2012
Virtual rambler #24 – Natural
History, 20th May 2012
Virtual rambler #25 – European
Self Importance, 26th June 2012
Virtual rambler #26 – Sweet
Dreams, 25th July 2012
Virtual rambler #27 – Excess,
17th August 2012
Virtual rambler #28 – In Denial,
20th September 2012
Virtual rambler #29 – The Way,
21st October 2012
Virtual rambler #30 – On
Rambling, 14th November 2012
Virtual rambler #31 – Gazing
Into The Abyss, 18th December 2012
Virtual rambler #32 –
Intellectual Gloom, 25th January 2013
Virtual rambler #33 – Great
Human Achievements, 20th February 2013
Virtual rambler #34 –
Autobiography, 20th March 2013
Virtual rambler #35 – Your Good
Health, 21st April 2013
Virtual rambler #36 –
Deconstruction, 20th May 2013
Virtual rambler #37 – My Home
Town, 19th June 2013
Virtual rambler #38 – Ancient
History, 21st July 2013
Virtual rambler #39 –
Possessions, 20th August 2013
Virtual rambler #40 – Sporting
Stoics, 20th September 2013
Virtual rambler #41 – Free Time,
20th October 2013
Virtual rambler #42 – Ewan Don't
Allow, 20th November 2013
Virtual rambler #43 – A Literary
Nexus, 20th December 2013
Virtual rambler #44 – Taking
Liberties, 16th January 2014
Virtual rambler #45 – More or
Less, 20th February 2014
Virtual rambler #46 – Under
Control, 20th March 2014
Virtual rambler #47 – Waiting,
20th April 2014
Virtual rambler #48 – They Rose
Without Trace, 20th May 2014
Virtual rambler #49 – Bigger
Impression , Smaller Footprint, 20th June 2014
Virtual rambler #50 –
Terpsichorean Instrumentations, 18th July 2014
Virtual rambler #51 – Socially
Mediated, 19th August 2014
Virtual rambler #52 – Rambling Into The Sunset, 20th September 2014