Knights of Zen II

The second album by the Knights of Zen, recorded in 2009 with a limited CD release

Knights of Zen II

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Click here to download the complete album + covers

Click on the track names to download them (depending on your bowser settings, you may need to save them from your media player)

Northern Wynde (Lead vocal: Wig)

Dance While You Can (Lead vocal: Wig)

Poor Howard (Lead vocal: Wig)

Transmutation Astronomy (Lead vocal: Karl)

Waiting in the Sun (Lead vocal: Obby)

Postmodern World (Lead vocal: Wig)

The Universe (Lead vocal: Karl)

Shackles of Time (Lead vocal: Wig)

The Cannonball (Lead vocal: Obby)

Wine into Water (Lead vocal: Chris)

Everyday Life (Lead vocal: Wig)