The Virtual Rambler

Number twenty nine: 21st October 2012

The Way

When a lost traveller asks someone with local knowledge to show him the way , he might then expect some indication of the correct path to be taken. By way of contrast , when asking some spiritual wakey-wakey man which direction to follow in search of enlightenment , our hapless acolyte can anticipate mumbo-jumbo in reply. People use the word guru because the word charlatan is too long. In Taoism , any explicit way cannot possibly be either the Way , the Truth or the Light. The ascetic turn of mind is the corollary of a pessimistic attitude towards life. The abstemious sage tells us that if we would only stop breeding and struggling , rid ourselves of everything that binds us to our earthly pursuits , then the Way would become clear. But the average human being wants earthly pursuits to continue , and not just because he is ‘weak’ and anxious for a ‘good time’. He knows that on balance , life involves more than its fair share of suffering , and occasional fun and games are not to be sniffed at. That is as near to enlightenment as most of us will get.

I once got a job teaching in a Rudolf Steiner school and was encouraged to familiarise myself with his ideas before taking up the post. It seemed that his Knowledge of Higher Worlds had derived from an access to the Akashic Record , a sort of adept’s internet preserved in the Astral light. Conditions were revealed that prefigured the birth of the solar system as we now know it. There was Old Sun , Old Saturn , the lower and upper Devachans. Before incarnating into physical bodies , human beings had existed in a purely spiritual form. First came the Lemurians , who had no memory at all and so , like absent-minded children , promptly forgot everything they were told. The succeeding Atlanteans , by contrast so much more incarnate , possessed extraordinary memories , thought in pictures and used the energy latent in plants to drive a kind of hovercraft. As the Talmud says , anyone wanting to tell tall tales will speak of things that happen far away.Joseph Goebbels (1) wrote that it is almost immaterial what we believe in so long as we believe in something. There were no references to any sort of deity in Steiner’s far- fetched “Spiritual Science.” Like the jewish mystics of old he appeared to be proposing a deus absconditus.

Ideological monocultures have always been with us. The One True God , Dialectical Materialism , A Global Free Market ... each comes and goes with the same baneful failure to promote the welfare of their various constituencies. A dominating ideology can sometimes preside in the realms of culture too. The ‘International Movement’ of earlier twentieth century Architecture was in thrall to raising rectilinear constructions in concrete , steel and glass and as its influence spread , cities across the globe were subjected to this dogma. Hence the corporate monoliths dominating urban centres , the freeways and underpasses surrounding them and the dismal clusters of high-rise apartment towers in the suburbs. Apart from the modernist architects who designed them , who actually wanted these things ? There is a crucial distinction between those who accept a chaotic world and those who ache to impose order upon it. Their order. Aware that something always seems to be missing from their various prescriptions for Utopia , the one-true way wallahs are determined that others shall miss it too. It will be for their own good in the long run.

Whether they come robed in a kaftan or in Saville Row suiting , issuing from the skies above Mount Sinai , the vaults of the Bank of England or the book-launch of a life- style consultant , every voice of authority is best ignored. Including the plummy voices of cultural arbiters - the literature critic in his Tuscan villa , the New York psychologist , the Rock Music avatar from California , the slow-thinking ‘philosopher’ or the fast-thinking ‘economist’. Geographical margins provide a shrinking habitat for hard-pressed species. They are places of sanctuary and potential renewal. Out of the cultural margins , the disregarded voices of truth have issued from poets , artists and sceptics. Those who speak from the shadows ask the question that just won’t disappear. Where is the way to some sort of society with enlightened leadership and a more communitarian spirit ? W.H. Auden replied in verse , “Clear , unscaleable , ahead / Rise the Mountains of Instead / From whose cold cascading streams / None may drink except in dreams.”


(1) Goebbels (1897 - 1945) was Hitler’s minister for propaganda. After the Nazis had seized power in 1933 , he orchestrated a vitriolic denunciation of Steiner’s work and ideas.


Virtual rambler #1 – Posturing, 9th March 2010
Virtual rambler #2 – Managerialism, 17th March 2010
Virtual rambler #3 – Nostalgia, 27th March 2010
Virtual rambler #4 – The Alpha Male, 13th April 2010
Virtual rambler #5 – General Elections, 3rd May 2010
Virtual rambler #6 – The Leisure Industry, 15th May 2010
Virtual rambler #7 – Guide to The World Cup, 15th June 2010
Virtual rambler #8 – Human Nature, 12th July 2010
Virtual rambler #9 – Communities, 13th August 2010
Virtual rambler #10 – Worlds Apart, 6th October 2010
Virtual rambler #11 – Dawdling, 22nd November 2010
Virtual rambler #12 – ELVIS, 24th December 2010
Virtual rambler #13 – Transience, 4th February 2011
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Virtual rambler #27 – Excess, 17th August 2012
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Virtual rambler #29 – The Way, 21st October 2012
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Virtual rambler #31 – Gazing Into The Abyss, 18th December 2012
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