Poets' Corner

Number Thirty : 12th November 2016

Leonard Cohen (1934-2016)

Some called him lugubrious ,
Others said “ He’ll do for us, ”
Vatic , unathletic , rather droll.
The droning bard’s parade
Of biblical turns of phrase
Were music to the ears of his fold.

He droned where folkies meet ,
He droned to a disco beat.
He often made you grin
With his copyright on sin ,
And that lady dressed in red -
Her dialectics on the bed
Would expose ... the emperor’s new clothes.

A guardian of gloom , he meant
To show Carnival and Lent
Arm-in-arm , walking down the aisle.
Half ladies’ man , half gent ,
He claimed direct descent
From those who went to Egypt in exile.

A lazy so and so ,
Versed in Lorca and Rimbaud ,
He was a man you’d like to meet
Coming down the street
To join you in the pub across the road.
The jukebox plays Ghost Riders in the sky
For two old codgers in the by and by.

Pushed to the side of their lives,
The power of choosing gone,
Their looks show they’re for it :
Ash hair , toad hands , prune face
Dried into lines – how can they ignore it ?
You might say , “ Now then ,
What’s your poison Len ? ” -

This is where the final hours chime
For people who have lost all sense of time.


Poets' Corner #1 – Poetic Pessimism, 13th September 2012
Poets' Corner #2 – The Workman's Friend, 10th October 2012
Poets' Corner #3 – On The Trail of Two Dylans, 12th November 2012
Poets' Corner #4 – Omar Khayyam, 14th December 2012
Poets' Corner #5 – William Blake, 25th January 2013
Poets' Corner #6 – A Minor Poet, 19th February 2013
Poets' Corner #7 – Thomas Hardy, 20th March 2013
Poets' Corner #8 – Shakespeare's Sonnets, 21st April 2013
Poets' Corner #9 – Edward Thomas, 20th May 2013
Poets' Corner #10 – Harry Smith's Anthology, 19th June 2013
Poets' Corner #11 – William Plomer, 21st July 2013
Poets' Corner #12 – Ghosts , 20th August 2013
Poets' Corner #13 – William Dunbar, 20th September 2013
Poets' Corner #14 – Bathtub Thoughts, 20th October 2013
Poets' Corner #15 – Bagpipe Music, 20th November 2013
Poets' Corner #16 – Sylvia & Emily, 20th December 2013
Poets' Corner #17 – The Fall Of Icarus, 16th January 2014
Poets' Corner #18 – Those Gone Before, 20th February 2014
Poets' Corner #19 – Rudyard Kipling, 20th March 2014
Poets' Corner #20 – Martin Bell, 20th April 2014
Poets' Corner #21 – Another Modest Proposal, 20th May 2014
Poets' Corner #22 – Thomas Gray and The Eighteenth Century, 20th June 2014
Poets' Corner #23 – Edgar Allan Poe, 18th July 2014
Poets' Corner #24 – Tread Softly, 19th August 2014
Poets' Corner #25 – Mad To Be Saved, 24th December 2015
Poets' Corner #26 – Wants, 20th January 2016
Poets' Corner #27 – Samuel Johnson, 15th February 2016
Poets' Corner #28 – T.S.Eliot, 10th March 2016
Poets' Corner #29 – Alfred Lord Tennyson, 18th April 2016
Poets' Corner #30 – Leonard Cohen, 12th November 2016